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Manage your endpoints in a unified way with Citrix EndPoint Management

Provide a secure workspace via Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

You can manage all your employees' tools in a central space (applications, devices, platforms) and thus offer your employees the possibility of working remotely in a secure manner.

Bring together the set of endpoints and manage them in a unified way (UEM).

Save time and flexibility with Citrix EndPoint Management

Streamline your employees' experience

Increase employee efficiency and reduce IT support calls.
Employees have instant access to new features through automatic updates.

Simplify the connection

Citrix is the only vendor that gives you the ability to move to the cloud without having to re-register. Migrate with Citrix Endpoint Management without the need for an onsite move and therefore without impacting users.

Limit interruptions

The availability of Citrix is 99.9%. Your employees will be able to continue working without interruption of service.

Simplify the working environment of your employees

  • Give your employees access to company resources wherever they are
  • Offer a connection solution with a Zero Trustapproach
  • Limit server downtime, provide fast access to data 
  • Simplify access to documents and data
XenMobile - Citrix - endpoint management - UEM

Secure your IT assets (EMU)

The Citrix EndPoint Management solution allows you to give your employees a secure space where they can find the company's data.
You manage all the endpoints via a single platform.
The solution also allows you to detect threats quickly so you can react quickly.

XenMobile - Citrix - endpoint management - UEM

Are you interested in the Citrix EndPoint Management solution? 

As a reseller of Citrix EndPoint Management, the Nova Group can advise and support you in the implementation of this solution.

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