hcl leap - application development

HCL Leap : Create sophisticated Internet applications in minutes

With HCL Leap, develop lightweight enterprise applications that transform business processes

With HCL Leap, anyone can easily create sophisticated web-based applications for data collection and process automation. The application is built without writing code via a simple drag and drop interface.

HCL Leap automatically creates runtime applications from visual forms, including web forms, views, graphics, underlying databases, and default workflow and security levels. HCL Leap provides users with a no-code/low-code development platform to accelerate the design, building and deployment of custom code productivity applications.

Deploy customer engagement applications quickly

HCL Leap is an easy-to-use, agile tool that allows users to control the creation and deployment of customer engagement applications and forms, transform business processes and increase efficiency. The best no-code/low-code platform for building web-based data capture and process automation applications on the market.

Highly agile applications

Dynamic workflow
Mobile friendly
API access

Increase application agility

Transform business processes and increase efficiency.

Meet dynamic business requirements by allowing users to update their applications at any time without disrupting existing applications. Changes are managed separately from the runtime version and deployed when ready. No downtime at all.

hcl leap - application development

Using a dynamic workflow

Easily create sophisticated web-based applications for data collection and process automation

Workflow role assignments can be made dynamically based on your organisation's directory search. You will be able to send notifications to customise workflows, set permissions, control permissions for each role at each stage of the workflow, and give users complete control over the process and streamline the process.

API access

Continue to manage data security

All applications automatically include a REST API that allows users to create, read, query, update and delete records. Role-based access control settings apply to API access and allow users to control data security.

Are you interested in HCL Leap?

The Nova Group will support and advise you on this solution.

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