Collaborative tools adapted to your DNA

There is a wide variety of collaboration tools in our world. There is no single answer in the market. The best answer is the one that will fit you, not the other way around.

The Nova Group Group, with more than 10 years of experience in collaborative work, is able to intervene at all stages of your projects. From the framing to the TMA while passing by the accompaniment, the migration, the development...

The Nova Group supports you with collaborative tools

Video conferencing 

The new uses today include the aspects of real time communication. The Nova Group offers youvideoconferencing tools adapted to your needs.

Our partners in videoconferencing :

microsoft solutions logo


Messaging remains a crucial tool for the functioning of companies. Our experts accompany you to offer you the best.

Our partners in videoconferencing :

microsoft solutions logo
vadesecure - secure messaging

Collaboration tools and corporate social networks

Today, companies need to collaborate effectively. It is necessary to leave the dictates of email. The Nova Group helps you choose the right tool and promote its use.

Our partners on collaborative tools:

microsoft solutions logo

Document management (EDM) 

Electronic document management associated with workflows enables organisations to gain in efficiency. Need for quality, dematerialization of documents, validation flows, the Nova Group is there.

Our partners in document management (EDM) : 

BOX software logo
ged - document management

They chose the Nova Group as their software integrator

BNP logo
carrefour logo
Logo sncf
somfy logo
Auchan logo
Valeo logo
Logo societe generale
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axa bank logo
System U logo
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