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  • How is low-code development changing the way software is created?

Large companies traditionally face several basic problems that are common to all companies. As a result, unified software solutions have been created to solve these problems in the same way in all organisations. Think, for example, of database management or commonly used CRMs.

But there are still problems that are specific to each company, problems that a generic solution cannot solve. Instead, customised solutions are needed. Every company faces these problems, but the requirements of each company are so unique that a separate product that manages the entire process for each company does not make sense.

These problems, not the product, require a solution that allows companies to easily create what they need, rather than hoping to tailor ready-made solutions to their specific goals.

This is why more and more companies are opting for low-code platforms to develop their custom software.

Low-code development platforms allow companies to create complex software with less programming experience.

In this article, you will learn what low-code development is, how it works and how it can benefit your projects.

What is low-code development?

Low code development is a new way of developing business applications and software where writing code line by line has become unnecessary.

Today, with the advent of low-code development, companies can create their own applications and software using a graphical user interface (GUI) and other visual modelling techniques, making the process quick and intuitive. With the GUI, drag-and-drop modules and other user-friendly structures, users can create their own software for their specific needs.

Here's a simple metaphor to help you understand: kit furniture eliminates the need for the tools and knowledge required to build furniture from scratch. Instead, it uses prefabricated parts designed to work with simple tools and clear instructions. Low-code development does the same for software development.

Low-code software and applications can be created using platforms offered as SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions. These low-code platforms fill specific gaps that business users are confronted with, but for which there is no standard solution.

creation of low code application

Advantages of using low-code development to create software

It is well known that simplifying any process multiplies its usability and practical application. In addition, low-code development platforms solve problems in the application and software development process in many ways.

Naturally, using a low-code development platform will make the process of developing your software fast, easy and inexpensive

You will save hundreds of hours of work and you will not have to pay bills to application development agencies. In addition, the costs of frequent software maintenance will also be a thing of the past.

Reducing the time from idea to implementation

Numerous visual platforms, extensions, and ready-to-use code snippets allow you to quickly create new software. So, as the speed of business transformation increases, IT teams have an excellent tool to increase productivity and shorten the software development cycle.

Cost reduction

Low-code requires no in-depth knowledge or development experience, thus addressing the shortage of IT specialists faced by many companies. Easy-to-use tools allow analysts or business users to customise applications with minimal involvement of IT experts, reducing the cost of expensive corporate resources.

Improving the customer experience

Today's customers are more demanding than ever. Low-code development platforms give you the flexibility to easily adapt to market changes and customer needs by quickly implementing modern IT solutions or continuously updating existing software to keep up with current trends.

High level of security

Today's platforms place high demands on the protection of programmes and the information stored on them against various violations. They therefore contain the necessary tools for administration, access control and threat assessment. This makes it easy to configure and monitor system security.

Control of the IT infrastructure

Business demand for customised IT solutions is growing exponentially, overwhelming IT departments. This forces employees to use third-party applications outside of their controlled infrastructure.
Multiple, disparate applications present additional security risks and lead to data inconsistencies. At the same time, low-code solutions allow employees to create the functionality they need in a single field of information, eliminating the need for untrusted software with the risk of sensitive data leakage.

Integrated testing at different stages of development

Low-code development offers many tools that allow users to test the functionality of their software at different levels. It allows for unit testing as well as fully automated testing at any stage, and offers one-click deployment and monitoring while the application is running.

Cooperation between business and IT

Today, companies can choose to use tools that are not only in demand, but also cost-effective. In order to quickly deliver the technologies that businesses need, a close link between business and IT must be established using the company's internal IT resources.
Low-code development platforms make this possible: with out-of-the-box functional modules, clear user interfaces and powerful tools for professional developers, they allow everyone in a company to speak the same language and create software of any complexity in the same environment.

Accelerating digital transformation

Companies are forced to automate more and more processes to stay in the game and compete. Low-code development platforms provide organisations undergoing digital transformation with fundamental technologies that enable them to accelerate the transformation cycle, adapt more quickly and innovate.

Is low-code development new?

Although the term "low code" has come up more frequently in recent years, it has been around longer than you might think.

Most companies that use off-the-shelf software have integrated some form of low-code or no-code development into their operations. Everything from simple inventory management to customer service is enhanced by a low-code platform.

The term 'low code' is now more common. Frameworks have emerged to enable small businesses and sole traders to create low-code software to help them with their daily tasks. Similarly, low-code development can allow less experienced entrepreneurs to develop simple applications themselves without having to hire an IT department.

Is low code development for me?

Using a low-code development platform can secure the future of your project. Integrating existing frameworks can make your life easier, even if you are a professional developer.

That said, low-code development platforms are constantly improving and many believe that they will eventually supplant low code. Besides, if you are already a software developer and understand your software perfectly, why bother with coding?

Is this the end of coding?

It can be easy to get caught up in the low-code development craze and think that it makes traditional developer roles less important. Yet the demand for developers has never been higher.

The low-code development is not always beginner-friendly, and many tools are designed to make life easier for experienced developers. This means that, while they save time, they are not always easier to understand. For some non-developers, low-code will be of no use.

In fact, the concept of low-code is to facilitate development, not to replace developers.

The future of coding and programming

Along with software developers, low-code development platforms are also a great tool for people working in UX design, allowing them to move quickly from layout to production.

But while low-code development is a great tool for developing software and applications, there has never been a better time to learn to program. You can follow dedicated YouTube channels to help you master programming and learn to program if you want to try it yourself.

Want to know more about low code development?

Download our free white paper "3 TOOLS of the CIO to improve productivity in his company".

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